Update Time Friday, 13 July 2018

Zhejiang Huantong Tell you how to replace the sewage pump float switch

Follow these steps to add a new float switch to your sump pump:
Prepare the Sump Pump
Allow the sump pump to run until all water has been removed from the sump basin. Once complete, disconnect the power to the sump pump.
Bypass and Seal the Original Switch
You will need to bypass the electrical wiring from the old switch and have it ready to connect to the new switch. Once you have bypassed the circuit, seal the electrical housing to the old switch with silicone sealant.
Attach the Switch to the Pump Housing
Use a zip tie to loosely attach the new switch to the pump housing. Attach the bypassed electrical wire to the new switch, and then plug the switch into the outlet. So the new switch should now be fully connected to the pump.

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